Southington Education Foundation, Inc.


Instilling a love of learning.

6th Annual Trivia Bee

Kinsmen Brewing, 409 Canal Street, Milldale

The Trivia Bee brings together individuals and teams from in and around town to raise funds for a charitable cause while at the same time providing an evening of fun. Past Trivia Bees have raised thousands of dollars which allow the SEF to fund grants and programs that benefit Southington children. The Trivia Bee is one of the Foundation’s major fundraisers. 

WhatTrivia will be conducting this fun-filled family-friendly trivia contest which will be hosted by Kinsmen Brewing

You can play as a team (up to 8 people), or individually. We'll also have raffles, prizes, and other surprises. If you cannot attend the Triva Bee but wish to donate to the SEF, use the donation option instead of purchasing a ticket.

2023 Trivia Bee

The 5th Annual Trivia Bee was held November 1, 2023, at the Cadillac Ranch in Southington.

James Cori, the DJ from WhatTrivia, was our Bee Master for this fun-filled trivia contest. The evening included raffles, prizes, and other surprises.

"Cip of Sunshine" took home the trophy!

Thanks to you the SEF raised more than $4,300 from this event!

2022 Trivia Bee

The 4th Annual Trivia Bee was held Oct. 26, 2022, at Cadiallac Ranch, in Southington. The event brought together more than 60 participants and more than 10 teams from Southington and other towns to raise funds for a charitable cause while at the same time providing an evening of fun. The event raised more than $1,700 which will allow the SEF to fund future grants and programs that will benefit Southington students.

A huge thanks to the Cadillac Ranch for hosting the event at no charge to the SEF. This allowed us to put even more funds towards programs benefitting Southington students.

James Cori, the DJ from WhatTrivia, was our Bee Master for this fun-filled trivia contest. The Halloween-themed event included some Halloween-themed trivia questions, and a Best Costume contest for participants who came dressed for Halloween. The evening included raffles, prizes, and other surprises.

"Mothers of Dragons" took home the trophy!!

Click here to view photos from the event

2021 Trivia Bee

The 3rd Annual Trivia Bee was held Oct. 20, 2021, at Kinsmem Brewery. The event brought together more than 90 participants and more than 15 teams from Southington and other towns to raise funds for a charitable cause while at the same time providing an evening of super fun. The event raised more than $1,500 which will allow the SEF to fund future grants and programs that will benefit Southington students.

Past Trivia Bees were held at the high school. This year we stepped it up a notch with the event being hosted by Kinsmen Brewing Company.

Ryan the DJ was our Bee Master for this fun-filled trivia contest. The Halloween-themed event included a Halloween-themed category for trivia questions, and a Best Costume contest for participants who came dressed for Halloween. The evening included raffles, prizes, and other surprises.

"Horr'ble Farmers" from LEAF (Mark Ramsay, Maria Ramsay, Julia Summers, Sean O'Halloran, Matt Theriault, Heidi Theriault, Meagan Ramsay, Devin Lowe, Peter Ramsay, Rachel Ramsay) took home the trophy.

Click here for photos from the event.

2019 Trivia Bee

The Bee brought together 11 teams from around town to the high school to raise funds for a charitable cause while at the same time providing an evening of fun. The event raised $3,300 which will allow the SEF to fund future grants and programs that will benefit Southington children.

Southington’s CyberKnights, also called FIRST Robotics Team 195, kicked off the evening with a demonstration. The students explained how the highly dexterous student-controlled robot was designed especially for the season's competitions. The robot could change its height telescopically in order to grab objects at various heights, and even toss objects to hit targets. The team competes in the FIRST Robotics world championships and are consistently top finishers. The Southington Education Foundation is a proud sponsor of the CyberKnights.

Stephen Proffitt once again served as Bee Master along with Assistant Superintendent for Instruction and Learning, Steve Madancy. They kept the teams focused and the audience in stiches while asking the trivia questions. They acknowledged the efforts of the Trivia Bee committee and volunteers, judges Superintendent Timothy Connellan, Math Coordinator Amy Zappone and Language Arts Coordinator Stephanie Lawlor, as well as all who came out in support of education. Time and again, the two Steves complimented the contestants on their courage to publicly show their trivia prowess - or lack thereof.

"Sloper Scholars" (Tom Sangeloty, Justin Hubeny, Wendy Fisher, and Nick Charnysh) took home the trophy.

Click here for photos from the event.

2018 Trivia Bee

The Southington Education Foundation’s 1st Annual Community Trivia Bee brought together 13 teams from around town to Southington High School to raise funds for a charitable cause while at the same time providing an evening of fun. The event raised almost $4,000 which will allow the SEF to fund future grants and programs that will benefit Southington children.

The "No Brainers", Jan Galati, Julie Bucherri, Ellen Bellinger and Peter Bellinger, took home the trophy.

Click here for photos from the event.

Looking for past Spelling Bees? Click here.


Southington Education
P.O. Box 42
Southington, CT 06489